My Encounters & "The Flashbang effect"

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My Encounters & "The Flashbang effect"

Post by pauli5 »


I want to share with you with an experience for I forged term "The Flashbang effect".
Ah! and first off all please keep in mind that English is not my mother tongue.

For those of you who dont know, the flashbang is stun grenade that produce bright flash and loud explosion.
The loud blast is meant to cause temporary loss of hearing, and also disturbs the fluid in the ear, causing loss of balance [wikipedia].

This is actually very strange, because IMHO this effect might be very, very common for people having ET/Demonic contacts. However there is very little about that in peoples testimonies.

The Effect is when you are in a dream/astral, you could be quite conscious, maybe even on the edge of regaling full consciousness. You feel like drugged or heavily drunk. Or like if someone just thrown a flashbang grenade to your room, your vision in narrowed, body balance is lost and its hard to stand up straight, sound is diffused is distorted like while flashbang shock, being underwater or having bucket on your head. Awareness is also narrowed, scattered and shallow, its hard to gather thoughts. You might know that something is not right, but you cant do anything.

Sometimes there is another element. Even if you are able to stand up and walk , you can experience omnidirectional crushing, like being under heavy pressure or surrounded by shrinking force field, its hard to find out when laying in a bed, but when you get free and try to walk you could find out that this force comes from more than one direction.
For me "The Flashbang effect" is another level of astral/dream paralysis or immobilization.

I also have two factors that Im distinguishing "normal dream" from something unusual. First is the overall impression, and this is very hard to explain.
It has this ummm... very subtle quality of blurry memory rather than a dream. Like recollections of doing something being drunk. Somehow you know its real because of this impression, it just feels different and sometimes in contrast to regular dream it triggers emotional response like creeps.

Second factor is a dream about being in my home at night or in my room. I just dont have "normal dreams" taking place in my home/room. Not to mention in that kind of dreams surroundings is very detailed and accurately reproduced and it inherit this subtle quality.

For example yesterday - I was dreaming that im laying on a bed and struggling with some force. Watching my hands and focusing on and trying to figure out what the hell is going on, why i feel so...blunt I remember that half of that dream was taking place on the street, right next to my house, it was in the same night, with the same weather, lighting and conditions as in reality. I was talking with 2 people in a white car (still barely conscious)
In the third and last fragment of that dream Im again in my bed, getting up I stagger to my window and leaning on my windowsill and seeing in distance 3-4 UFOs horizontaly crossing night sky and leaving a thin light trail.

And this dream was a least hardcore. I also have recollections of "dream" when flying disk 3-4 meters in diameter was hovering less than one meter
just behind my windowpane, and trying to abduct me. I was flying in OBE toward windowpane and woke up just before crossing it. I remember room filled with colorful lights like emergency flashing light of Police or fire truck. I remember the lights couple of times more, but I always drop off after a second. In other "dream" I also remember that someone put a hand or a tool that felt like frozen dagger in lumbar section of my spine.
It even done this twist of wrist (like when opening lock with a key) it was very precise move it felt like "etheric cold pain" for lack of better definition.
When I woke up, i just felt that something was taken out from me, I also still felt coldness, a energetic wound of some sort. I had this feeling of emptiness in that area, sucked out energy.
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Re: My Encounters & "The Flashbang effect"

Post by pauli5 »

I have just read: Naome Swan and Debra Jayne East Interview

And this fragment caught my attention:
In 1968, close to midnight, her family went outside to see what their German Shepard dog was barking at. Looming over the hill, a lens shaped object the size of a tractor trailer with a rotating band of blue, white and red lights hovered silently in the moonlight.
Disk from previous post was exacly that kind of object, even size match, huh..kinda nice synchronicity.

JaguarJames could you be so kind and show her this image ? I made it in the past.

Yeap...this is how I saw it, and how it look like for me from less than 10 meters.
Maybe we find out something new. Like... I dont know, what faction is behind this piece of tech or something.

This would be important, because it would also mean that type of craft (or maybe all of them) can operate both on physical plane and astral. I know this is not maybe something new or special or shocking, but for researcher and most important for the experiencer this also part of validation their experience.

Invesigating my case I also found another, very alike, it comes from BUFOG - Birmingham Ufo Group This is the fragment.
Vibrations, Noises and the Disc-Shaped Craft

In late 1989, when Rachel was in her early 20s, she moved into a two bedroom terraced house on Crosbie Road, Coventry, with her boyfriend Dave. It was here that more unusual activity began to take place, activity that certainly suggests that her contact experiences were continuing.

Aerial map of Crosbie Road:


On a number of occasions in the night, Rachel used to wake up feeling very energetic. She would then see vibrations actually pass across her bedroom in waves. Sometimes these vibrations were so strong she could actually feel them in her chest. Dave never woke up during these experiences. The vibrations would happen intermittently for a number of minutes, after which she would go back off to sleep.

Rachel would also hear an unusual clicking noise behind her head to the right. Sometimes it would happen only once, other times more than once. It used to creep her out as she could never determine a cause for the noises. It would happen in the daytime as well as when she was lying in bed.

One night she awoke to see the familiar vibrations of energy flowing across the room. But this time there was something more. Her bedroom had a main window and a smaller side window, which overlooked the road. They had some old fashioned yellow curtains hanging in them. From behind the curtains she could see what appeared to be bright white light coming in from outside. She thought to herself “What the hell is that? It can’t be car as we are on the first floor!” She tried to wake Dave to show him, but for some reason he would not wake up. She was intrigued by the light so got out of bed, walked over to the window and peeked through the curtains.

She was immediately greeted by an incredible sight. There floating in the air over the street, level with the bedroom window, was a disc-shaped craft. It looked like two plates put together. Around the centre was a darker band, along which she could see pulsing white lights. As well as going around this strip, Rachel said the lights were also doing something else strange, hard to describe, like they were passing through the body of the craft to the other side. The main body of the craft was smooth and a light colour, though because it was glowing she did not know the exact colour it was. She could not make out any windows. The craft was at least the size of a double decker bus and was hovering silently and motionless. Crosby Road is quite narrow, and there are many telegraph wires. Rachel was amazed that it had managed to fit down between the housing without hitting anything.

Drawing of the disc-shaped craft:


Rachel shut the curtain and turned to look back at Dave, who was still asleep. When she did she could actually feel a change in energy. She moved to the side of the window against the wall, almost hiding from the craft. She then lifted the edge of the curtain and peeked out a second time. The craft was still there but had begun moving along the street on a straight course. Realising it was going to depart, she again loudly called Dave but he wouldn’t wake. She kept looking between him and the craft until it had disappeared from view.

She went back over to the bed and shook Dave quite heavily, trying to wake him up to tell him about what she’d just witnessed. But no matter how hard she tried he wouldn’t wake up. Rachel didn’t want to go back to bed, as otherwise she may dismiss the incident as just a dream, so she stayed up for the rest of the night, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes. As it got light she went back upstairs and sat next to Dave until he woke up naturally. In doing this, it confirmed for her that the incident was real and had taken place. She told him about what she had seen but he wouldn’t believe her and said “What are you on about? You’re whack you are!” She took the next few days off work, during which she felt unusually tired, and thought about what had taken place a lot.

After this incident, she still heard the clicking sound, but it was much less frequent. Looking back at the incident, Rachel feels that they may have been trying to get her attention, but once she’d seen the craft there was less of a need to do so anymore. She also feels that she had seen the white light on other occasions too but had not checked to see what was causing it. She cannot remember whether these other events happened before or after the sighting of the craft.

This incident has many classic signs of contact, and it is possible that it occurred just prior to, or more likely just after, a contact experience. Obviously the sighting of the craft was very impressive and for myself confirms that there was extraterrestrial involvement. But the vibrations and clicking noises, and the way that she could not wake her boyfriend at the time, have also been reported many times by contactees. It is both mine and many other contact researchers’ belief that the ETs have a way of “shutting down” individuals, and may well be using some form of time or dimensional distortion. The fact that Rachel remained awake after the experience also proves that it took place and was not just a dream.
So for me, these three stories validates each other, and from my personal point of view Debra Jayne is 100% legit and honest person. Can't wait to read her page and listen to interview.
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