Is there a King Anu of the reptilians?

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Is there a King Anu of the reptilians?

Post by willisweaver »

I was wondering if anyone has had encounters with the ol Lizard King?

Or is that something made up... I've felt dracos and Apophis, this is different, super heavy and dense.

Or is it just the Anunaki?

I've just been dealing with this really blinding energy, like quantum disrupter or something keeping me from grounding enough to "see" what's going on. Looking for a little advice on how to deal with him. I've gotten just a glimpse. It's purple-ish with red markings and two big bull horns and a lot little ones like a horny toad, really hard to handle energy. At least for me.

Thanks for letting me express this.
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Re: Is there a King Anu of the reptilians?

Post by JaguarJames »

Hi Willisweaver,

That is a very good question. Anu is supposed to be at the top of the heap in the Anunnaki Scheme of things. Purple is the colour of royalty (along with the Draco White) which we see with the roman emperors. That was a very vivid description of the being. The horns on the head have been described by others. I saw a brown Draco in 1985 and it had two short stubby horns on its head with bright red glowing eyes.

I think there may be something to the notion that just as in the case in human history where outwardly the ruling elite are run by males and lineages are patriarchal, but behind the scenes women ruled with an iron fist...we saw this in the ancient chinese empires, rome, Persia...medieval England with all these scheming matriarchs pushing the buttons during the long "War of the Roses" between the Tudors and Lancasters, women seemed to rule the roost. I do believe there is something to Orion Queens and Draco Queens. I for one believe (and no one else has to believe this) that in the reptilian,draco,anunnaki scheme of things, the females play a key role albeit behind the scenes.

This was even depicted in the original "V" TV series when a female rep was pulling all kinds of machinations and manipulations. When one studies the long known history of conflict and intrigue of the human race, it seems to me that they are acting out on Anunnaki/Draco genetic programming especially when it comes to Wars of Succession be they the Wars of the Alexandrian Succession, War of the Roses etc etc. Its like they are mimicking on a ground level low tech way, the wars of succession and primacy fought over by the Anunnaki and doubtless other reptilian civilizations throughout the multiverse.
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Re: Is there a King Anu of the reptilians?

Post by willisweaver »

Thank you for the detailed response, Mr. Bartley. Much like the Bene Gesserit in Herbert's Dune series, there were psychic females pulling strings from behind the scenes.

That quote from Jim Morrison always makes me wonder. "I am the lizard king, I can do anything." I'm not sure the accuracy of the movie... But to your point, it was the witch/journalist that introduced him to the blood drinking, sex magic.

I was astrally approached by a queen of a faction of reptilians or something. She was black and enormous with a big ole neck frill like a triceratops but without horns, orange-red, slitted eyes. She wanted my genetics. (to which I refused) I had never even heard of black colored reptilians before...

Here is a video by Tracy Twyman and her theory that the main mover and shaker of the Greek cosmology and gods is Metis who is always birthing the next successor to the throne and helping him ascend to power. Interesting tie-in.
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Re: Is there a King Anu of the reptilians?

Post by jason09 »

I don't know much about the King Anu of the reptilians but I did meet the Draco Reptilian Queen in my dreams. It seems like I had to offer her tribute goods or products. I did what I was instructed, but it seems like the Draco Reptilian Queen took a human female host. To make a long story short I was able to release her hold on the human host and I was told by the Draco Reptilian male prince the following "Now my mother will have to take another human being it will take some time before she can possess one in the mean time I will have to rule" :shock: . That shocking statement is what I remember from the dream.
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