What do the Milabs people here experience?

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What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by whoami »

I was just wondering what the people here who would be considered Milabs actually experience?
I have had a few 'dreams' which have a military theme to them but I don't know if that is different in some way. There is nothing in my military dreams that involves an alien experience but more of an educational theme like conferences and exams and sometimes witnessing new aircraft.
I guess I am wondering how do you differentiate between a Milab and someone who is just having military theme dreams?
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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by JaguarJames »

That does sound like a milab experience aside from the absence of remembered ET experiences. It could be a different project or sub project. Have you had any UFO dreams as a child or wake up with nosebleeds, see any UFOs or see any unusual light phenomena in your home or outside your home? I too have had many dreams and memories of being in military conferences. Do you know what branch of the military these people seemed to be a part of?

Do you remember what their uniforms looked like or what the installations/buildings looked like? Do you recall seeing any airfields or have a sense of where these experienced occurred? Were they all indoors or did any occur outdoors and do you recall any medical settings? What are the nearest military bases and do you have any family members that were ex or active duty military?

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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by whoami »

JaguarJames wrote:That does sound like a milab experience aside from the absence of remembered ET experiences. It could be a different project or sub project. Have you had any UFO dreams as a child or wake up with nosebleeds, see any UFOs or see any unusual light phenomena in your home or outside your home? I too have had many dreams and memories of being in military conferences. Do you know what branch of the military these people seemed to be a part of?

Do you remember what their uniforms looked like or what the installations/buildings looked like? Do you recall seeing any airfields or have a sense of where these experienced occurred? Were they all indoors or did any occur outdoors and do you recall any medical settings? What are the nearest military bases and do you have any family members that were ex or active duty military?

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All my strange experiences started as a child. It started with a frequently recurring ‘dream’ or nightmare in which I would be standing in my back garden in exactly the same spot every time. It was dusk and I would be looking up into the sky. I would see a little dot in the sky and my heart would sink. I would stand watching as this dot got larger and larger until it got close enough and I could then see that it was a little wooden rowing boat. Inside were three or four little men. I would call them little old men when I was small, they were thin and small and bald. When the boat was about two or three feet off the ground the little old men would grab me with their bony hands and drag me in and we would sail off into the night sky. I have no further memory of what happened.
Even now in my 40’s if I hear the song ‘Row row row your boat’ I get goosebumps.

I can’t recall a UFO experience apart from the ones I dream about and the flashing lights before the insect experience in 1998. I did have frequent nosebleeds as a child, often I would wake to find I had had one in the night, not so much during the day and never now.

As for the military and aircraft theme dreams I started writing down things I could recall on waking back in 2014 after a 'dream' visit from three grey creatures in my garden. I have no military background nor do my family.

Some of the dream snippets I jotted down upon waking

No longer dreaming of the Z shaped craft, the new aircraft is more like a huge bus, rectangular in shape, appx (on last count) 5 decks at the top and 5 decks at the bottom with little windows separated by a centre layer with one large window not little ones. There is usually about 3-5 of them when they fly past. They are very large.

Multi layer bus shaped craft. It seemed more military than alien. I was able to see deep into the sky and pattern match star systems really quickly, I recall thinking that my intelligence had been enhanced. I saw star systems that I had never recognized before in the night sky and was surprised I had never noticed them before.

Dreamt about the the bus shaped craft again. As I was watching them (there were about 6) I recalled dreaming about them previously. These ones looked slightly different, a different colour blue and white (the others are black). I noticed an insignia but can’t recall it. I did think that these craft were not manned but more like carriers. They were huge.

I was in a room in a large building when I heard a very loud noise like an aircraft flying close by. I went and looked out of the window and a huge cube shaped craft descended from the sky, I could see one military man inside wearing civilian clothes watching me.

Missed the damn lecture, there was about 500 of us at least and we were in military uniform. It was a very important and very much anticipated conference where the best and brightest were attending from all over. Top secrets were going to be revealed and discussed. It wasn’t starting until midnight (but it was daylight, warm and sunny) and I decided to go for a walk before it began. I don't think I made it back in time because I have no further memory of it. This was a University setting/environment. We were all waiting around, chatting about how much we were looking forward to tonight.

Walking around the deserted city at night with a military man, learning to read ‘packets’ of information that looked like colourful code in the sky.
Going to University a lot in my dreams now to study astrophysics. Frequently taking exams.

So they are just a few snippets of what I have been writing down what I can remember upon waking and over the past couple of years I have a few pages now of what I recall on waking. They usually involve bus and cube shape craft, the cube ones can become invisible. I used to dream of Z shaped craft a long time ago but not now. In my conference dream our uniform was a bluish grey.
My military theme dreams are usually good, I am learning cool things with really smart people, usually I have one male teacher/mentor, I wish I was half as smart in real life as I am in those dreams.
So they are probably nothing more that just dreams that happen to have military people and unusual aircraft in them, no medical settings, no obviously military type environment, mostly University or random places that I don't recognize. I don't have any of the experiences that other people do about alien wars or going to other planets etc, I am mostly learning to read code and study things that don't actually make any sense to me in waking life.
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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by whoami »

So, I was just relaxing yesterday evening and my attention shifted to the back of a furniture polish bottle. On the bottom was a little square of patterns, squiggles, dots that type of thing and above it in large letters it read INFO.
Then I remembered that you can use a smartphone and (I assume because I have never done it) take a photo of the box of dots and get all the information on the product.
I mention this because that is the type of info I learn to decode in my dreams, I am told they are called ‘packets’ and they consist of multi colour dots and squiggles and what looks like a random pattern but my mind can decode these really fast, kind of mathematically into meaningful information. That is often the type of thing I am being taught. And then I wake up and I am stupid again.

Anyway, my dreams aside, my question still stands. How do the people here who are considered milabs differ from people who are just having have military theme dreams? How do you tell the difference between the two?
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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by willisweaver »

whoami wrote: Sat Jun 17, 2017 2:12 am So, I was just relaxing yesterday evening and my attention shifted to the back of a furniture polish bottle. On the bottom was a little square of patterns, squiggles, dots that type of thing and above it in large letters it read INFO.
Then I remembered that you can use a smartphone and (I assume because I have never done it) take a photo of the box of dots and get all the information on the product.
I mention this because that is the type of info I learn to decode in my dreams, I am told they are called ‘packets’ and they consist of multi colour dots and squiggles and what looks like a random pattern but my mind can decode these really fast, kind of mathematically into meaningful information. That is often the type of thing I am being taught. And then I wake up and I am stupid again.

Anyway, my dreams aside, my question still stands. How do the people here who are considered milabs differ from people who are just having have military theme dreams? How do you tell the difference between the two?
I'm definitely not an expert by any stretch. I'm still stumbling through my own experiences. If you were abducted as a kid which it sounds like you were, then the military dreams may be your alter being trained. The you here on Earth might be the alter, at least that's what it seems like to me sometimes with such limited awareness lol

The only "logic" I've found is that cover dreams have a certain vibe to them like the background noise is different than other dreams. I've had to rescue parts of myself from weird parallel astral realities. They each had a predominant emotion or vibe that pervaded the dream.

I started to categorize the dream spaces by this background info or feeling, trying to formulate a pattern from this info. It has brought me a certain level of lucidity. That certainity you're looking for is quite illusive. All my experiences have that "and yet?...." feeling... Like there is still something I'm missing.

Thank you for sharing your experiences. Best of luck to you.
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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by whoami »

Thank you very much for the reply. I very much appreciate it.

I have had many, many strange experiences throughout my life. I would categorize them into four types. 1) Alien type encounters. 2) Paralysis during the night that involve either human or demonic looking entities pinning me down and either talking to me or trying to push themselves into my mind, one strange entity grabbed me so tightly and hissed 'let me look into your soul', it is quite scary as if I am holding a secret I must protect and even I don't know what it is (if that makes sense). 3) Paranormal type experiences i.e premonition, precognition, telepathy etc, but probably not that much more than most people do. 4) Recurring military and aircraft theme dreams, these do not have an alien theme and are very positive for me, I feel more alive.

I never really talk about them though, sometimes I am not sure if I am supposed to if that makes sense.
Even though I have had many alien and paranormal type experiences I had not heard of the term milab until recently. That's when I thought oh that's interesting, I often have military and aircraft theme dreams. Mine are good though, very positive dreams. I feel more me in that setting that in waking life for some reason, it feels more real. I go to classes and learn interesting information and hang out with a military man who teaches me. I am smart in those dreams. The only negative is sometimes there is a cube shape craft that follows us. The cube is menacing although I don't quite know (or remember when I wake) exactly why it follows me.

I agree with you, there are some dreams that have a different vibe, a different quality to them.
Do you have military theme dreams? I would like to hear about them if possible.
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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by willisweaver »


That definitely sounds like you're still being used. The flying dreams in a military setting, feeling more real than here. I'm just a really skeptical person when it comes to good vs bad and suspect mind control behind all my experiences. The mantids for instance can manipulate your attitude and emotions to a much greater extent than the regular greys. Not trying to make you go full paranoid, but it something I keep in mind. Sounds more like the earth defense force or solar warden, but who knows. Are they regular "known" aircraft, like a f-22 or a harrier?

Anthony Sanchez mentions seeing a black cube around an air force base in california, that's quite the coincidence. .

I've done some horrible things as an asset, so I'm a little jaded. I was a delta asset for a long time, meaning I did ground level infiltration and sabotage and all the nastiness that comes with it. I could feel my true power and abilities but I wasn't in conscious control most of the time which really scared the hell out of me. I was praying they were dreams. Recently I've been used as a precog, they drug me with something and I can scan the near future for events. Witnessed a crazy attack by some long giant wing type craft.

There's a section of my mind that's still walled off to me. I yap about some of my experiences at http://willgolightly.com
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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by whoami »

Thanks for your reply, it sounds like you have gone through quite a lot. Has it affected your health?

My military themed dreams are probably just vivid dreams. The aircraft are like nothing I know of, I actually know nothing about aircraft. It would make sense to me if it was an area I was interested in and then had dreams about it but I am a middle aged woman who has never had an interest in aircraft, so why I keep dreaming about unusual shape aircraft is strange to me.

I mean there was a Z shape craft I used to constantly dream about, that seems to have stopped now, the Z was not good, when I saw the Z I felt like it was related to war.
In the late 90’s a friend of mine had a relationship with a man who worked for BAE Systems as an engineer I believe. One evening I asked him if it would be possible for a Z shape craft to fly or was there such a thing, I just made out like it was a random thought. He said no, he had never heard of anything like that.

More recently I looked online to see if there was a Z shape aircraft and the only thing I could find was something called Odysseus which is something to do with DARPA but when I looked at pictures it was not the same, my one is much bigger, thicker, and flies at a different angle.

Then I dream of big bus like ones, now I don’t even know if they could even fly at that shape and size, this is why I am so curious about it all because I have no idea where all these fancy shapes and sizes are coming from in my imagination.

Oh there are others, more regular plane looking types, they’re black, large with a clear top, not really sure what to compare them to as I don’t know the names of any planes but I shall have to look at some pictures and see if I can find something similar, those ones have a good feeling when I see them, I can always see people in them, military, RAF maybe (I’m in the UK).

Then there is the cube, the cube can become invisible, it is menacing, watching and stalking. The cube is quite a recent one for me and it first appeared in my dreams in 2014. The cube I dream about is not black though, it is like frosted Perspex so it can blend into the background quite well but you can still see it and it can also become invisible.

I don’t know or remember what all these craft are exactly doing, where they have been or what their purpose is but I can always recall the intense emotion associated with each type and it is consistent every time.

I will have a read of your writing, thanks for sharing the link.
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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by willisweaver »

Wow the Oddysseus is a strange looking plane. I didn't know what you meant about a Z shaped plane. Having dreams with those filling the sky would be quite the surreal sight. Thank you for that visual!

There's a whole multiverse out there for our dream body to explore, not to mention parallel lives and other earths were you might be incarnated also. Have you ever seen a clone or replica of yourself or had dreams of waking up in a pod or glass cylinder?

As to my health, I'm lucky physically, although hobbit sized, I get around pretty good. I get the electroshock migraines sometimes. My mental health has been a whole different story. It's been a struggle no doubt. Avoidance was the main strategy for most of my life. (which is programmed into you)

Coming to terms and integrating alters and programming is one the most gut wrenching, horrible, identity scattering things I've ever done. Every alter is put there by some horrible trauma. Like I had a entity put in me in a ritual to keep me from remembering. Then to realize your family is involved...

Only by Grace and my sense of humor am I still alive.
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Re: What do the Milabs people here experience?

Post by whoami »

I have never seen a clone or replica and I have never had dreams of being in a pod or glass cylinder, at least not to my conscious recollection.

Thank you for sharing your experiences in your blog, you have been through an awful lot of trauma, I can’t even begin to imagine what that must be like.
Are you able to talk to people in your life about any of your experiences or is writing it down how you get it out so to speak?

Keep strong, sending you lots of positive thoughts from across the pond.
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