Insectoid question

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Insectoid question

Post by whoami »


I have had a few odd experiences throughout my life starting when I was a child.
I have a question regarding one of the creatures I only recall meeting on one occasion.
I want to know if it sounds like an insectoid.

I would guess it was about 7 feet tall, very, very skinny and its arms were like the insectoids arms the way they bend.

However it had a huge head, maybe two or three times the size of what would seem proportionate, it was an almond shaped head with large bulging eyes that wrapped around the sides of its head, but it is the size of its head that I am curious about. When I have looked at peoples pictures of insectoids online they never have the same huge head and I have never heard anyone else see this.

This creature caused me no fear; I sensed it was emotionally absent, very intelligent and of an extremely high status. Does that sound like the insectoid? If so, what do you think is usually the agenda of these creatures? I’m trying to figure out what that encounter might have been about as I lost my memory of that night not long after seeing it.
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by crystalheart »

Sounds like it could be. Not all of them are described so you may have seen a new variety.
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by whoami »

Thanks for replying. I forgot to add that particular experience was in early 1998 so not a recent one.
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by JaguarJames »

Did it look like a praying mantis being? There are large oversized praying mantis type beings and also hybrid versions where they are smaller but look mantid like. Others are insectoid and people have even described beings that look like upright cockroaches or upright ants sometimes with the extra appendages. What did the environment look like?
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by whoami »

JaguarJames wrote:Did it look like a praying mantis being? There are large oversized praying mantis type beings and also hybrid versions where they are smaller but look mantid like. Others are insectoid and people have even described beings that look like upright cockroaches or upright ants sometimes with the extra appendages. What did the environment look like?
It was maybe 7 or 8 feet tall, it was quite a few meters away from me and I was lying down so that is just a guess about its height but it looked tall, two legs, skinny body, two skinny arms that bend like the mantis arms do and a head that looked too big.
I have recently found a drawing by Simon Parkes of his mantid in a purple cloak and that is the closest I can find to the shape of the head. The creature I saw though was brownish and had no clothing on.

The environment was inside a room, a rather sparse and clinical setting. The creature was pressing some buttons on the wall (bit like a touchscreen keypad) at the very bottom of the room and I was at the back end of the room lying on a concrete or marble slab.
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by JaguarJames »

How did you feel the next morning? When the Mantis and Draco become involved, something is up. Rather than use the pawn like Greys, they will at times dispense with their minions (like the greys, tans etc) and do the work themselves. Can you tell me a bit about your genetic heritage and any past life memories or dreams you've had? Have you had any dreams of apocalyptic scenarios, mega earth changes, ET invasions, zombie meltdowns etc?
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by whoami »

The next morning I was actually rather baffled as to what had occurred as my memory was rather limited.
I can tell you exactly what I thought at the time I was in the room with this creature though, I was really confused and I kept thinking ‘why am I seeing these ones tonight, I NEVER see these ones.’

Now that is what is strange to me, in that experience I knew them, I knew I never normally saw them but I seemed to be aware of them, I knew they were of very high status and I was not fearful. It was as if I normally saw the nurses so to speak and tonight I seeing the specialist consultant. All this I seemed to understand and yet I don’t know how because until that experience I had never been aware of the insect types as far as I knew. So on waking up I was playing this over and over in my mind. I was wondering how I could be so very aware of something in that experience that I had no clue about in waking life.

Sorry I’m not the best at writing and it is sometimes difficult to explain especially when the experience doesn’t make sense. I am British/Irish.

I don’t have any past life memories, I don’t really have apocalyptic dreams either, I used to have lots of natural disaster dreams as a kid and it worried me to the point that I used to sleep with my shoes on incase I needed to escape quick. But now I just have regular dreams just like other people and my recurring dreams about unusual shape aircraft and learning to read code with a military man. I also have demonic type dreams combined with paralysis. These entities seem keen to ‘look into my soul’ as one told me or get access to my mind for some reason.
I know it sounds nuts and I have no idea what it all means.

Oh and there is something else I didn’t know if it was related but about two weeks prior to the insect experience I was on holiday and I fell asleep in the afternoon and had a really lucid vivid dream, it was very quick but I was in a white empty room, very clinical bright white and standing there was a man dressed in a white coat like a scientist. As he spoke there was a slight echo as the room was so sparse. He said to me “Scientists now know and understand the existence of sixth dimensional beings”. Now what that means I have no idea, but it made such an impact on me I wrote it straight down and have never forgotten it. I don’t know if that ties into anything or not.
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by spiral »

whoami wrote: Sun Jun 11, 2017 12:17 pm Hello

I have had a few odd experiences throughout my life starting when I was a child.
I have a question regarding one of the creatures I only recall meeting on one occasion.
I want to know if it sounds like an insectoid.

I would guess it was about 7 feet tall, very, very skinny and its arms were like the insectoids arms the way they bend.

However it had a huge head, maybe two or three times the size of what would seem proportionate, it was an almond shaped head with large bulging eyes that wrapped around the sides of its head, but it is the size of its head that I am curious about. When I have looked at peoples pictures of insectoids online they never have the same huge head and I have never heard anyone else see this.

This creature caused me no fear; I sensed it was emotionally absent, very intelligent and of an extremely high status. Does that sound like the insectoid? If so, what do you think is usually the agenda of these creatures? I’m trying to figure out what that encounter might have been about as I lost my memory of that night not long after seeing it.

Hi whoami, I had to sign up after reading your post ! (Thanks to admin for letting me on)

Yes this absolutely a Mantid (or Mantis) being, the emotionally absent & no fear thing is something I have experienced too with these beings.

From my own experiences & from what I have read these beings specialise in "implants" and moving souls from one body to another.

Implants are not just the classic metal things that Dr Lier used to remove, but they can be etheric, emotional & mental, that is non physical & sometimes false memories which can even be things like fake past lives.

Practicing meditation may allow memories to return, it may also give an insight as to what they are doing with you.

If you have any life changing things happen or sudden changes of direction in life esp due to an "intuition" or emotional reaction then that might be something to look at in this context.
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by spiral »

whoami wrote: Tue Aug 01, 2017 3:51 am The next morning I was actually rather baffled as to what had occurred as my memory was rather limited.
I can tell you exactly what I thought at the time I was in the room with this creature though, I was really confused and I kept thinking ‘why am I seeing these ones tonight, I NEVER see these ones.’

Now that is what is strange to me, in that experience I knew them, I knew I never normally saw them but I seemed to be aware of them, I knew they were of very high status and I was not fearful. It was as if I normally saw the nurses so to speak and tonight I seeing the specialist consultant. All this I seemed to understand and yet I don’t know how because until that experience I had never been aware of the insect types as far as I knew. So on waking up I was playing this over and over in my mind. I was wondering how I could be so very aware of something in that experience that I had no clue about in waking life.

Sorry I’m not the best at writing and it is sometimes difficult to explain especially when the experience doesn’t make sense. I am British/Irish.

I don’t have any past life memories, I don’t really have apocalyptic dreams either, I used to have lots of natural disaster dreams as a kid and it worried me to the point that I used to sleep with my shoes on incase I needed to escape quick. But now I just have regular dreams just like other people and my recurring dreams about unusual shape aircraft and learning to read code with a military man. I also have demonic type dreams combined with paralysis. These entities seem keen to ‘look into my soul’ as one told me or get access to my mind for some reason.
I know it sounds nuts and I have no idea what it all means.

Oh and there is something else I didn’t know if it was related but about two weeks prior to the insect experience I was on holiday and I fell asleep in the afternoon and had a really lucid vivid dream, it was very quick but I was in a white empty room, very clinical bright white and standing there was a man dressed in a white coat like a scientist. As he spoke there was a slight echo as the room was so sparse. He said to me “Scientists now know and understand the existence of sixth dimensional beings”. Now what that means I have no idea, but it made such an impact on me I wrote it straight down and have never forgotten it. I don’t know if that ties into anything or not.
I would like to add further points in relation to this post.

Having a different "mind set" when abducted is part of it, it's like you have all your memories as ff there is a wall removed that is up the rest of the time, so it's clear you are a long time abductee, probably all your life & possibly multi generational too.

Some of what you remember sounds like a MILAB or REAB, that is when the military also abducts you for various reasons, debriefing, using your psionic abilities (you will have them, but they will usually be turned off during your ordinary life)

The guy in the white coat is interesting, mantids often wear white lab coats, it might not have been a man, mantids like to mess with perceptions.
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Re: Insectoid question

Post by whoami »

Hello spiral, thank you very much for your reply.

It is all very baffling, especially only having snippets of memory about the experiences. Also the shutting down of emotion during the experiences means I don’t recall how I felt so I therefore can’t discern if it was a positive of negative experience afterwards.

The implants I wonder, are there ways to find if you have them? Meditation would be a good place for me to start so thank you for the suggestion, I would very much like to know what is going on.

I did consider hypnosis once but then I quickly realized how crazy I would sound asking for help recovering memories about some creatures I encountered. I would need to find someone who at least had experience in that area, my local hypnotherapists deal with things like quitting smoking, overcoming phobias and weight loss.

So that’s why I decided it is better to see what other people had experienced, I was curious if there are common themes running through these experiences so that I might learn from others what the likely agenda is.

I wonder about these Mantid types, do you think they are generally helpful or harmful, friend or foe?
What was you experience like with them?

It is strange though how memories change depending on the setting, in everyday life I have no idea what all those experiences mean yet during the experience I seem aware of what is going on. Like when I had an experience with grey types (or was that just a dream I don’t know) but they said to me telepathically “we haven’t forgotten about you, we know exactly where you are” I just nodded, I seemed to understand what they meant at the time but then when I am awake I was left scratching my head about what it meant. When you can’t access the emotion it is hard to know if it was a good and positive experience or if it is something more sinister.

I always have powerful emotion attached to the aircraft dreams but they never involve alien experiences, the military type dreams are positive too, the alien experiences are a complete emotion shutdown and limited memory. Perhaps I will never know, maybe I am not supposed to.

The man in the lab coat I had a vivid dream about looked a bit like the architect from the Matrix film, of course that film wasn’t out at the time but he had that type of look. In that dream that man seemed friendly, I felt like he was sharing something important with me, I know nothing about dimensions though and what he said doesn’t really make any sense to me. I wouldn’t have any idea what a sixth dimension would even be like, it is hard to even imagine.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge, it is very much appreciated. Have you had a lot of encounters?
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