Flash of Light---do you see them before/after MilAb experience?

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Flash of Light---do you see them before/after MilAb experience?

Post by peridot »

This is a question for MilAb people.

I have been an abductee. But not MilAb case, as far as I consider.

I'm wondering if you, MilAb peeps, see any flashing lights before/after the MilAb experience in your sight.

I had never used to see this flashing lights happening, but lately I have noticed that I saw distinctive flashes which I can't explain easily:

A Double flash of white light, appearing very quickly. My eyes are wide open when this happens, and you literally see lights appearing somewhere in your vision.
Then nothing happening for some time.
And One flash of white light appear, as if to punctuating something....(thus I started to wonder if this is to do with MilAb cases.)

(In between the flash sequences, I'm all conscious and time to time, accompanied with being(s), but when I know I have accompany, I know they are not "fake"-MilAb-aliens.)

This seems to be the pattern happening, and I actually started to wonder if I have copped MilAb.
And this happens whether I'm in bed and trying to sleep or I'm up and facing my pc, typing some stuff away....so I'm absolutely conscious when I see those flash lights.

Having too many dealings with aliens make it difficult to distinguish, and I'm doubting that I get to hear agenda-free info from any of the factions at the moment, so I'm trying to figure out the truth about wth has been happening myself, instead of just asking Qs to them and get "their" answers.
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Re: Flash of Light---do you see them before/after MilAb experience?

Post by wanderingstar »

Iam do glad I saw this post. Because iv had alot if paranormal & spiritual things happen to me. And when I saw this post about do you see a flash of light . It made me question the things iv seen when iv had sleep paralist and then o.b.e's,,. I can clearly remember seeing a bright flash of light round by my window. For a split second. But I can not recall anythink after that. Ussaly I can remember most of my o.b.es..iv also uncounted a being what looked like a hawk or owl but it had a cat's face and a cat's body. The tail was fanned out like a bird's tail. And at the tip of the wings they curled up it was dark in colour a black colour the whole being was. I am very certain it was half cat half haw or owl.. When I spotted this being I saw it on the other side of the street it was perched on another house across from mine it flew if the house roof done 2 and half small circuls flying in the air above this house then before I knew it it was right up against my bedroom window. I don't know why I picked a tourch up in my room and shined the light at it. It disappears very slowly then I noticed colourfully flowers was comming through the tops off my window into my room. This was all Happing while I had this o.b.e.. plz don't think am crazy..
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Re: Flash of Light---do you see them before/after MilAb experience?

Post by wanderingstar »

Yes just before I had my experience s
Only remembers seeing this once.(A quick flash off light).. Iv also seen a UFO just hovering over my house. It went invisible from left to right really quickly. Iv also met a being who also disappeared from left to right.. ,But this was a total different experience on a different day..... The shape of the craft was round but the back end of this UFO had like a horse shoe shape. And white in colour. There's more to this story. But would take to long... Another time saw a triangle UFO hovering over a power station in my home town. My Uncle was with me at the time no noise from craft just a humming noise Not to sure that the humming noise was comming from the power station tho..it hovers over the station for about 5 to 10 mins then slowly drifted off into the nht sky July 27th 1997. Craft seemed like it was moving about 3 to 5 miles p/h..( first thing I done was look at my watch no lost time) .( Phew)...Peace 2u👍👽
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