Information on Cryptozoology

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Information on Cryptozoology

Post by alienspirit »

Hello I am new to the area of Cryptozoology. Can someone tell me what cryptozoology is and tell me how to get started exploring cryptozoology.
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Re: Information on Cryptozoology

Post by JaguarJames »

Cryptozoology refers to the study of unusual or hitherto unknown animals such as the Sasquatch or allegedly extinct animals which are not extinct such as the Tasmanian Tiger. In fact any unusual creature that is seen over a long period of time is worthy of study. Chupacabras have been seen a lot in Puerto Rico and are worthy of study. Lately there have been reports of large bat like creatures flying around and reports of such creatures circulate every ten or twenty years. I remember as a child reading an account of such a creature attacking two couples in a moving car and leaving huge scratch marks on the roof of the car.
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Thank you, James...

Post by theresa » is interesting that you would mention the Tasmanian Tiger and the belief that this highly exotic animal may not really be extinct at all...however most genuinely and completely rare. In the 2012 movie, "The Hunter", (however fictional the story might be)...the last surviving Tasmanian tiger is shot and killed...all in the effort of saving this beautiful creature from the hands of greedy entrepreneurs who wanted to use parts of its flesh for extreme monetary profit. But according to the movie...a very extensive and painstaking search into the far wilderness to find the last remaining "tiger" proved without a doubt...that the animal did indeed would purpose to think that if one could attempt such a might produce the same reward.

There are many so-called extinct animals that may or may not actually have survived in single remnants unknown to the modern world and hidden from all eyes to see them...such as exceedingly beautiful bird species in Hawaii or very strange and mysteriously incredible fish...but I believe the Tasmanian Tiger is among the most exquisite and truly handsome of all alleged "extinct" animals.
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